
summer of color: orange

So, today in Summer of Color, the color of the week is orange.  It's a bit early to start painting fall, but that's where my mind went, so .... I had to follow along right?  This watercolor painting is an attempt at a new style or technique - first, not necessarily using all actual colors and also to paint more loosely (always an effort) and not so literal in forms. I was moderately successful.

I still find it difficult to show a stream/road looking like it's going round a bend instead of just running off a page.  I think the left, shady side of the stream is a little more successful with the use of color - the right side just looks like random blobs.  The water color is a little reflective of the shore colors but could probably be stronger.  Is it too light - is that what I don't like?  Then, my splash of orange.  The trees in the distance are getting a jump on fall and I'm actually pleased with their loose shape and coloration.  There's a little of the more subdued orange down at the bottom of the painting...should there be more?

Tell me how you think I might fix the weird end of my stream and if you think my stream should be darker....
Be sure to visit all the other Summer of Color artists - there's lots of cool stuff!
PS - This has been such a fun experience for me - meeting other artists via their blogs, seeing the stellar work that's going on out there, building my confidence to keep trying and giving me a little focus each week to set a goal and work on my art.  I think there's just a couple more weeks, but if you've got a minute, it's definitely worth checking out some of the other players.


  1. You keep at it Terri you sure have talent I love the orange and the layers of the orange colour the tree is just wonderful.

    Regard the sketch book and going out side just get a small sketch book to go out side with ;0) then you wont draw any attention to your self ;0) (well that was my thought) I don't want people looking over my shoulder lol I am so NOT ready for that ;0) Dxx

  2. Beautifully loose and I love those greens with the orange

  3. Lovely painting, and the colours are great! Valerie

  4. Wonderful painting and love the looseness of it. Annette x

  5. Awesome painting and perfect color contrasts.
    Kids Curriculum

  6. Well...I certainly cant help with your quest to make the stream more of a flow around a corner...it still looks great...and I quite like the right side too!...I guess just Google stream painting and see how others make a stream curve....but I think as a whole it's quite pretty andyou should be very proud of the new technique you're trying...xxx

  7. I find it beautiful! And I have no clue about watercolor so I'm no help to you. :)

  8. Lovely reminds me of the arboretum in the Fall. Hoping we have a nice August! I live in the foothills by North Bend.

  9. The colours are lovely. I do see what you mean about your stream though - something is 'out' but I'm not quite sure what. It almost looks as if it rises sharply uphill - so you'd need a waterfall or rapids and bubbles (nice and tricky to paint!). Perhaps the S of the bend needs to be tighter. Ah, I wouldn't worry, it looks lovely as it is. You did a great job with the colour and depth and the splash of orange is superb (even though I don't want to be thinking about autumn/fall just yet!!)

  10. wonderful talent you have! great!

  11. A lovely watercolor...and I know what you mean when they said orange...my mind went right to fall too....I am just learning to watercolor so I think your piece is great. Love the trees!

  12. I really like this. The water for me is fine as it reflects the colour of the sky. I love it.

  13. Thank you for your sweet post - I have had such a great time this Summer and am glad you did too. And this is such a wonderful watercolor - I love your fall theme and warm colors - makes me want pumpkin pie ;) xo

  14. Anonymous10:17 AM

    It's wonderful, I love the way you wove some orange in around the banks...it's lovely! Maybe more orangish grasses at the end? It's really great just like it is, though! Have a great day! ~Scarlett

  15. Anonymous12:52 PM

    I think you did a great job. I really like how free this one is and I like your use of color and light.

  16. oh yes, this makes me want fall, now!

  17. I like your painting too! It is very pretty with the wonderful colors you have used! :-)

  18. I love the effect you achieved with your looseness in your painting. Your color use is great too! fab job!
    Jessi xox

  19. I can't give your some advise for your painting, I am not a watercolor painter...but I like so much to see it...for me it is beautifull...

  20. I think that it is a lovely painting. I love all the colors and the orange trees. I can't make anything look like I want it to with painting, so I'm no help to you that way.

  21. Terrie, this is beautiful. I love all the soft colors you use & then the bright trees changing in the back. So pretty.

  22. Anonymous12:26 AM

    Nice painting.... I think that is crayon paint.....Good!
    Canon Ink


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