
woyww #9

This week for WOYWW I have some progress from things started last week.

You may remember I'd gessoed (?) over a canvas I didn't like and was going to go a different direction....direction started:

Liking the layers of red and orange and texture...not sure where next.  Also started a little box 'canvas' covered with music (it's actually the box my soap comes in).

Then, I was working on trying to make my own decorative tape using masking tape. (I used it in my lettering journal which I'll share later in the week)  I made some more and found that using the expensive stuff from Home Depot didn't work as well as the $1 store stuff.  HD was too sticky and wouldn't peel off the freezer paper - it might work better on waxed paper but I don't have any right now.  Plus the dollar store tape is whiter - here are some new experimental strips:

I found that acrylic paints and Inktense watercolor pencils work well, oil pastels (the green/yellow stripe) don't blend or smoosh at all, rubber stamps work great!  I'm playing with my new alpha stamp set.

I found my projects overflowing my work table this week (I'm sure that never happens to any of you) so behind me on the ironing board (great table height :)) I have my AB (altered book) project waiting to get going and some great tissue paper pieces I'll be adding to a collage (project from Jane Davies Collage Journeys book).

The tissue paper project is to choose 2 colors of paper and sandwich something in between, sealing the papers together with matte medium.

The top one I stamped with a lady bug on yellow and glued it to a light blue tissue paper; on the right I drew spirals with oil pastels and used yellow and lime green tissues; on the bottom I used yellow and white and sandwiched cut out leaf shapes.  Using the 2 layers of tissue paper gives the paper more substance and the two colors blend to form a nice third color with a stronger tint depending on which side you place up.  An easy and fun project - thanks Jane!
Lots of other desks to explore over at Julia's Stamping Ground.....


  1. Love the colours of your canvas and the wee box covered in music paper is fab... I will go and look at the boxes my soap come in with new eyes!!

  2. Thanks for sharing the tissue paper technique. I love learning new techniques and this looks like one I can use right away. I want to figure out how to make that tape. I am sure it is easy, but so far, I'm having a hard time understanding what I'm seeing. Have a great WOYWW, dear friend.

  3. The tissue paper sandwich technique is new to me. Must have a go! Just the other day I saw something on Youtube about making your own Washi tape. Must have another look at that too! I'm doing the AB too. Happy WOYWW! RosA#16

  4. The tissue paper is looking fabulous, I am doing the AB book to with Elizabeth, But I am way behind, it looks fab fun, love your canvas, Hugs May x x x x

  5. I have never heard of that tissue paper technique, but now I must try it. Thanks for sharing it. dani33

  6. The red/orange canvas looks great. Isn't gesso great - just put on a layer and start over! The soap box (really?) looks great with the music paper on it. Can't wait to see both of these finished.

    The tissue paper technique is very cool. I'll give that a try this weekend.

    Happy WOYWW

  7. Your canvas is coming along great and that tissue paper is a great idea. I can't seem to get the hang of glue, so best if I just admire yours and don't try it (he he). Love your cute little box with the music. With the masking tape, do you just roll it out and put it on the non stick paper, then draw on it and place it on a picture?
    Have a great week, looking forward to seeing the canvas finished.
    Von #36

  8. Gorgeous creations your show casing this week .Love the idea of the tape.Have fab wednesday and a creative week hugs
    judex 9

  9. Its amazing to see what crafters can make out of packaging. Love the bright colours on your canvass. happy crafting

  10. Lovely creations and such fab colours :)

    Have a great WOYWW and a fab week, Luv Karen xx

  11. such a gorjuss display of work, loving the canvas, cant wait to see it finished, im following you so i can keep my eye out lol - thanks for the snoop
    Judie xx

  12. Love the tissue paper idea, thanks for sharing

    Debs #104

  13. A fabulous colour there - so pungent and lively! Like it a lot so far!!! Thanks for sharing with WOYWW...Sarah at 1

  14. Anonymous5:42 AM

    Love the colour of the canvas, and so many other fun things on the go. Best use of an ironing board I've seen this year too!!

    Brenda 6

  15. I love all the work you have started...great projects. You have encouraged me to get back in my studio and back to creating with paint and paper....I have missed it..I seem to get obsessed with one thing at the time.....Oh well, such is life....

  16. I'm a retired librarian in Toronto - a few years ago there was an exhibit at our main library of "altered books" which are amazing beyond words! I love the concept of turning books into art and can't wait to see more of your projects - they are spectacular!

  17. Wow lots of fab stuff going on. Love the canvases. Take care, enjoy this WOYWW & I'm off to snoop some more! Wonder how many I'll get round today? Zo xx 60

  18. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Thanks for sharing, Im loving the colors!

  19. It is great to see someone really exploring what different mediums will do. You have some lovely colours on your desk, especially that green. Really fresh and springlike. Thank you for your visit and hope to see more of your work. xx Maggie #8

  20. Thanks for sharing I love the little box covered in music paper its so cute would be great as a gift box for someone.

    BEcky :)


  21. You're very creative, Terrie !
    Your TT photo turned out great, lovely photo of you and your husband !
    Thanks for your nice comment,

  22. Yeah, like the tissue paper sheets, they'll die cut really well, quite apart from their sheet uses, nice stuff. You seem to thrive on being a multi project gal.....clever.

  23. you have a million inspiring things going on at once (as usual). Must try the tissue paper sandwich.

  24. Love the tissue paper technique as well as the little soap box. It looks like you're having a lot of fun!

  25. You are always so busy with all sorts of artsy projects! I was super curious about the tape project, and it turned out nice! Love the owl version.

    Have a beautiful day!

  26. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Lots of goodness on that work desk. Just pure play and the orange red warms my heart. xox Corrine

  27. I love the word-text-leaves in your last photo - fab! You seem to be doing so well in having a number of projects on the go, which is something I'm trying to achieve with my writing - with my first novel, I got so consumed I didn't (and couldn't) do anything else, so I applaud you for keeping various things on the go. Loving the red and orange in the top photo, so good luck with whatever it will become! Best wishes, Deb Pen Pot

  28. I love all those projects your showing, especially the tape. Looks lovely. Many ideas I might like to try someday. Thanks for the inspiration.

  29. Hi Terrie, a very enjoyable post - love all the vibrant colours and seeing what projects you have on the go. Wishing you a good week ahead. Elizabeth x #21

  30. wow such creative work in progress... looks great!
    xxx Susi

    Monthly :Art-Journal-Journey-Challenge

  31. Very inspriational, I love the altered box, the canvas is so vibrant, and the tissue paper, tape - and again the altered book, I need to try this!! - really make me want to have a go at all of it! Thank you for sharing, happy WOYWW,

  32. Lots of interesting projects to look at and enjoy!!!
    All looks great - thank you for sharing
    Happy WOYWW

  33. That tissue paper looks very interesting- thanks for sharing

  34. Howdy,
    Happy WOYWW!

    Nifty workspace - you've got as many projects going at the same time as I do!

    I ALSO make a lot of my own tapes - using masking tape, packing tape, MAGIC tape and removable tape.

    I use acrylic paints as the 1st layer. THn stamp with a variety of stamps - words, flowers, script, buildings, collage, floiwers, birds - using 3 colors of Stazon ink. They came out perfectly awesome! I stick mine to wax paper - after they're done I roll them onto old empty 3M tape dispensers, if I have time...otherwise I just store them in a 'tape' drawer.

    I use my tapes to border the pages of my art journals, in addition to 7 Gypsies tapes and Tim Holtz tapes.

    thanks for the peek.

    Would love for you to visit my blog, and become a follower when you have a moment or 2. Also, get Freebies to celebrate my 2nd blogoversary!

    'LuLu' #169

  35. Hi, the mini book is actually made of toilet roll middles... I flattened them out and left them under a heavy book for a while and then tied them together sideways on (after covering with paper). So you have a ready-made pocket for tags etc in each 'page' of the book.
    Thanks for visiting, emily xx

  36. It's my first week with WYOWW and I'm quickly trying to work through to everyone's desk...its so exciting but I'm a little overwhelmed by all the talent.

    We have something in common...so many books so little time.
    I lost my art mojo for about 12 years. I have no idea where it went but its just found me again!

    I enjoyed my peek at your desk ;D
    Have a great crafty week...must dash and check out a few more desks! :D

  37. the colors of the canvas is nice and vibrant. wondering which direction you'll go in next. interesting things on the ironing board... Thanks for the peek. Have a great day

  38. Love the colors of your canvas, and can't wait to see the finished product. Makes me want to work on my art journal.. #36


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