
woyww #6

Wednesday means it's time to share my worktable with the world.  Upstairs in the art room I'm showing off my new toys/tools: watercolor sticks.  They are SO much fun and I'm having a great time seeing what sorts of marks I can make with them.  Downstairs on my office/art desk I'm busily following along with Joanne's Lettering Love class so have all my pens and notebook out.

Check out more amazing workspaces and projects in progress at Julia's Stamping-Ground blog for the 140th edition of blogland sharing.


  1. Love the look of your new watercolour sticks, great colours :)

    Have a great WOYWW and a fab week, Karen #90

  2. So much wonderful color! Love it!

  3. I love a notebook page filled with colour and lettering...and summed up with the words 'good stuff'..nice! Even the messy play area of your desk is pretty neat...what a work of art that protective sheet of paper has become!

  4. Wonderful journal page. Don't you just love those Daniel Smith watercolor sticks! ~Happy WOYWW (#30) Robin Panzer Art Studio 33

  5. Those watercolor sticks sound interesting. And your class looks like fun!!

  6. They look like great fun Terrie. You try so many things... that's why you got the "Liester Blog" award from me.

  7. I signed up for her letter class too! Your letter looks so colorful and fun!!

  8. Anonymous12:47 PM

    I like the cover of your notebook in the first picture. I love that kind of fun lettering style. Lettering is not currently in my skill set (*grin) so I love to see what other folks are doing. The watercolor sticks look like fun.

  9. Haven't heard of watercolour sticks - I have watercolour crayons (similar?) they are quite cool, especially good for 'dribbly bits LOL. Thank you for popping by to see me and leaving such a lovely comment. Best wishes, Cindy #58

  10. Ooh, those look like fun to play with! Always great to try out something new...

  11. ...looks like your a neat crafter...be nice to see your finished piece...Mel :)

  12. Have fun playing some lovely colours i see.Have a creative week Happy woyww

  13. Great colours and it looks like you're enjoying them! I love watercolour sticks too!

  14. Fab watercolour sticks, am sure you'll enjoy playing with them. Thanks for sharing & enjoy this weeks WOYWW, I've been nosing around all the fab desks as I try to visit everyone! Zo x 83

  15. wow love the water color sticks. Someday i hope to have some to play with.

  16. Hmm. How do watercolor sticks work verses watercolor pencils? Are they like pastels? Your doodling looks great!!

    Happy WOYWW

  17. Really great colours - they look such fun! Thanks for letting us look in and peek at your desk... Sarah at 7...

  18. I love the colors!

    Happy WOYWW (on Friday!)
    Katie #18

  19. That is one interesting doodle you got there
    Bridget #51


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