
PAF: digi art abstract

I'm finding I really enjoy PAF (Photo Art Friday) because it encourages me to really break my normal photo editing patterns and try really different things.  Bonnie offers tutorials now and then and lots of free textures to explore your abstract nature.

This week's criteria was only to use one of her free textures - EASY!

The three photos I used to create this are:

The stripes are a store awning and I took the water lily pic a couple years ago.  I enlarged the flower to 3 different sizes and erased it between stripes while the eggs were made the same size as the background stripes.  My formula:
Stripes as background
Eggs at Color Dodge 100%
Pixel Dust Backlight texture, Difference @ 66%
Next 3 layers are different sizes of flower, Linear Light @ 100%
Topped with Backlight at soft light 70% to soften all the colors.

Visit Bonnie at Pixel Dust Photo Art for ongoing great idea and lots of sharing.


  1. Impressive Terrie! Doesn't it help to have photos like the one of your awning to play with? I try to have photos in my personal archive like that. Now I want to try what you have done here. Thanks for sharing your art with PAF!!

  2. Very creative and wonderful piece, Terrie. Fabulous processing. Thanks so much. Karen (PAF)

  3. Terri this is quite an amazing edit! Love it and think it is very creative!

  4. A great treatment thanks to your imagination, bravo

  5. i never would have come up with the idea to combine these three, never... but the result is so stunning, i really love it! seems i should think more outside my box;)

  6. Very unique and visually interesting. I really wish I understood all the process of how you achieved this.

  7. Wow, Terrie, I love what the awning stripes did to this. Stellar work!


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