

mail art

Making some long overdue postcards - they'll be sent out soon.  Sorry I've been slow responding, but don't give up on me.  Watch your mailboxes!  :)


365/3 for june

#139-145 - finally a new page in one of my art journals using a photo of grapes I took, followed by some painty/stencily/stampy background starts for mail art.  I'm overdue on returning mail again, so made a start on getting some backgrounds started.

Continuing my sketches from "Learn to Draw in 30 Days" by Mark Kistler.  Seeing some improvement though I'm still definitely just copying.  The lessons seem to be sinking in since the basic cubes are getting easier & more intuitive.  These didn't make it to ICAD cards, just in my sketchbook......
#146 & 147

So, I'm about a month behind in my 365 project - I need to double up on a few days to get back on track.  And, my Denver trip (see the previous wedding post) threw me off my ICAD progress. So I need to get back on track there.  Sheesh.  There is a long weekend coming up where I could really make some arty progress, but it's supposed to be record breaking heat and my art room is upstairs & faces west - HOT!  Maybe I'll just move some supplies downstairs.....

Hope you're finding time to escape the heat (or whatever weather) and be creative!