

mail art

Making some long overdue postcards - they'll be sent out soon.  Sorry I've been slow responding, but don't give up on me.  Watch your mailboxes!  :)


  1. Anonymous7:00 AM

    It's more work than we think to put those post cards together. I am making some too! xox

  2. Beats me how you do all this and have a job too.

  3. Good for you! I've fallen right off the mail art wagon the last few months. 50 hour work weeks might have something to do with it lol. But always inspiring to see someone else getting art made!

  4. Good for you! I've fallen right off the mail art wagon the last few months. 50 hour work weeks might have something to do with it lol. But always inspiring to see someone else getting art made!

  5. Good for you! I've fallen right off the mail art wagon the last few months. 50 hour work weeks might have something to do with it lol. But always inspiring to see someone else getting art made!

  6. such a pretty pile of cards! I seem to have fallen into a twice-a-year mailing pattern. I go months and months without sending anything and then get inspired to tackle my whole list and send out 50+ cards in a few week period and swear I'm not going to get behind again, and then suddenly six months has gone by. I'm feeling accomplished today just for reading blogs and commenting for the first time in many months. Perhaps some of my energy is finally shifting away form work and making room for my beloved art community...

  7. Lovely array of cards! :)

  8. It's been a little while since I came here on your blog (not much surfing time the last months), but I'm glad I found my way back here ;-)
    Always a pleasure to see your amazing drawings and your beautiful pictures and artworks!


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