
365 in 2013: #271 -277

I'm just about caught up and back on track.  Here's a weeks worth of collages in my one year commitment.....

#271 - On Fire  - cardboard, stitching, papers....

#272 - E Chord  - music & book papers as background, painted tissue in middle ground and 'E' and washi on top

#273 - Surrender  -squares/rectangles of greyed blues and greens.  I like the balance in this one....

#274 - an ATC for swapping - all novelty, textured papers

#275 - an ATC for swapping - novelty papers

#276 - Fragile  - the gold paper on the left actually is very shimmery that the scanner didn't capture. I like the contrast with the kraft paper and cardboard.  The simplicity of this one appeals to me.  (inspired by one of the lessons in Randel Plowman's book)

#277 - Fly Away Home  - magazine pics, printed tissue, map

I always check in on Hanna's weekly collages and she usually has a weekly theme for herself - a color palette, a feeling, a word, or whatever.  As I look at mine, they're so all over the place.  But, it's FUN!  This whole journey of focusing on collage for a year is a challenge (started and inspired by Hanna), but it's also been a delightful learning experience.  I'm learning more about what I like and don't like about my own efforts and what I like to work with......That's the point I guess and I'm enjoying every step. I'm glad you're along for the ride.


  1. "WOW!"
    I am lov'in these collage elements, Terrie! :]

    ** you have grown ** Enjoy watching the process ~xx

  2. it's been such fun to be on this ride with you. you've been an inspiration every week.

  3. OMG you're nearly there! I'm going to miss these. LOVE On Fire, and Fragile.

  4. another page of loveliness! and once again I'm attracted to your red...interesting, not my usual colour but i love how you use it. I'm with Jo, On Fire and Fragile are wonderful. xx

  5. WOW WOW WOW!! I reallllly love all of these!!! Wish I had seen you do this from the beginning. Finding Hannah's blog recently has started my collaging too. I like her theme ones and the names for them. Haven't really named mine but do color themes for now.
    If I had to choose it would be the first one that I love most but really LOVE THEM ALL!!
    Thanks for the encouraging words you shared at the end, that helps me who has just started this collage journey.

  6. So glad you're keeping up too, and finding this a good exercise. Love your collages Terrie, esp, the first one - so minimalistic. Love that, something I have a hard time doing myself. :-)


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