

weekly collages

I announced, yes announced with great fanfare, that I was going to tackle a 365 project - ala Hana.  I chose collage/mix media pieces. Then I disappeared.  Well, that nasty flu caught up with me and put a dent in my plans.  But, I'm recovering so thought it time to show you I actually am working on my collages!

Working in my Restraint Journal for quickie collages using inspirational images from magazines or online.

4 MMSA postcards to swap - all mini-collages on painted cardboard pieces so I'm counting them as one.

All these collages are in my restraint journal - I like doing these because I'm playing with white space, colors, composition - but using up whatever happens to be on my worktable, so it's a great scrap activity.

The next four I made on cardboard - I cut up a cookie box into quarters (about 6x6") and challenged myself to use faces/figures in the collages - which I never do.  I don't know why I generally don't like figures in my collages but thought I should give it a try since I have a folder of magazine faces.  I actually kinda like them and will revisit it again throughout the year - maybe I'll overcome my antipathy.....

Karen, recognize your paper underneath?

This last collage I tried something new - printing on vellum.  Sealed it with spray fixative but one coat wasn't enough...when I spread the matte medium over it the colors started to smear on the leaf so I sprayed another layer on the other printed pages. I really like the look of seeing through the leaf and swirl.  You'll definitely be seeing more of this.....

Are you tackling 365 of anything?  Photos, journal entries, homemade meals?  I prefer Hanna's philosophy of the goal is 365, not necessarily removes a lot of pressure. I did a photo-a-day for a year a couple years ago and it was occasionally stressful to think of what to photograph and by the end of summer I almost gave up.....but I persevered.  This year will be easier without the "daily" in the commitment!


  1. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Sorry to hear that sore throat ended up being the flu, but glad that you`re starting to feel better and getting creative.
    Stay inspired!

  2. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Oh these are all wonderful. For someone who was sick (flu begone bah humbug) you certainly moved full speed ahead in your creating....I hope you are seriously better now. xox

  3. glad you're on the mend. you're off to a great start with the challenge, especially in the face of the flu. I have a dozen collages in various stages of progress propped around my studio, but I can't seem to call any of them done.

  4. These are "TERRIFIC!" Terrie... love your collage pieces! :]

  5. LOVE your collages should enter the exchange next year.


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