

crisp morning

After a week of rain and low, gray skies, today dawned clear and crisply cold here in Seattle.

By the way, Lorinda had a great idea to share the individual cards from the inspiration deck exchange we participated in gradually throughout the year.
The first two in my deck are these lushly layered cards from Connie @ (left) and MaryJane @  Thanks ladies!


  1. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Love the frost shots on your plants, it looks like it should be in a cave somewhere that frost, hanging from a dripping ceiling. I was looking through my deck today just to read some positive words......xox

  2. Terrie, your frost photos are great, and I love the positive energy of both cards. Have a great weekend!

  3. LOVE the pictures of your crisply leaves, ;) It's just rainy here, no frost, stay warm! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

  4. Wow, your photos are amazing Terrie! Love that you were able to capture those crystals. We had 'snow' of a sort yesterday, mostly tiny, frozen balls of hail. The size of...tapioca? My phone camera just didn't do them any justice. Stay warm and enjoy the sun while we have it! xx

  5. Love the frost pics, hope it doesn't damage the leaves. Your inspiration cards are lovely.

  6. Beautiful photos, Terrie! :]
    Enjoy the brake from the cold weather... Take care. ~xx

  7. Wow these frosty shots caught my eye.
    Doesn't nature blow you away sometimes!
    39 degrees C here today so it's great to stop by to cool off ;D

    Brilliant inspirational cards too.
    Have a great day :D


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