
journal page: chore to give up

The prompt today from InTheSun Online Course is:  What chore would you give up for the summer?  COOKING!  I don't particularly like to plan, shop, cook or clean up so that would be high on my list of chores to give up.  I want to be the first on my block to have a Star Trek food replicator:  "Earl Grey, hot"

I experimented a bit by making several pages of generic backgrounds, ready for collaging - this is my first.  A little watercolor and stamping is all, then adding the other elements - the recipes are accordion folded which doesn't show up in the scan.  My cool stamp (in the white columns) is made from a kid's foam alphabet piece ("C") that has this great basketweave pattern on one side.

See more journal pages at the flickr group.


  1. I can relate to that. If only it wasn't soooooo time-consuming.

  2. Anonymous2:14 PM

    I'll cook if you do the dishes!

  3. I love planning for meals and thenmaking them. I plan 3 meals and two out or fend for yourself days. It works out great if I have something else going on


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