Here we go again! I started my first blog several years ago so friends and family could follow my photography exploits. I still maintain
PurkeyPages and use it to chronicle my Project365 (a photo a day for a year). I started
Your Decorating Hotline almost two years ago and it remains my professional efforts and my connection to the interior design world that I love.
The purpose of this blog is different. I'm finding that I have SO many irons in the fire, so many pending projects, that I want a place to discuss and share them. I love crafting, making things and trying out new mediums and processes, so this is the place I'll come to share my efforts - successes and attempts (not failures!).
I anticipate this flowing more as a personal journal - a way for me to brainstorm with other creative types (and myself) as well as see and remember progress I make on any given project. You may see a beautiful photo I want to share, a collage in progress w/ step by step pics showing how I got there, cross stitch projects underway, my very amateur efforts at watercolor, an ongoing knitting project, or even the good book I'm currently reading.
So, stay tuned and join in whenever you're so inclined. Your comments, suggestions and encouragement will always be welcome.