

branching out - sketching

I've been wondering what my artistic challenge will be for this year - I've done a couple of 365 and collages......and thoroughly enjoyed those challenges. I don't think I'm up for that level of commitment, but I feel like I need a direction, a goal.

I found it tonight. I took a free perspective sketching class at Daniel Smith tonight and had the good fortune to sit next to Casey. Casey already understands perspective drawing and was SUCH a help to me - she guided me through the teacher's lesson and patiently answered all my questions.  Thanks Casey!

A couple days ago I bought a perspective sketching class online through given by an architecture illustrator located here in Seattle. It's 7 video lessons - I've only done one and she begins by having us draw in elevation - standing directly in front of a building and drawing flat. Well, I can do that, sort of, but I was able to use the ration/proportion part of the lesson to good effect.

So, this year's journey is going to be to tackle a long held wish.....that I could sketch. Not picture perfect (I have a camera for that) but to sketch so that the item or scene is recognizable and somewhat follows the rules of perspective and proportion.

Here's my first attempt to draw an elevation from a photo I took of a door in Paris. (I discovered sketches don't scan well, it is)

Below, the photo:

Watch me as I struggle and try and practice and learn to sketch!

Hope you can make time for a creative, rewarding week!


  1. Sketching is an important part of art practice....and you are good at it! Most of us don't do enough.

  2. I'm so behind reading and commenting on your blog posts! Good on you to learn to sketch. It's something I've always wanted to get better at but I lack the motivation to practice lol. I'll be interested to watch your progress.


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