

ICAD and 365 and just general catch up

There's a lot of pics to share so should probably split this up, but won't.  Skim, peruse, linger, whatever your time allows, or just check in to see what I've been up to.

I've been keeping up with the ICAD daily challenge - you can see my efforts showing up on instagram (tpurk13), and on flickr when I remember to put it there, and, of course, here.  Here we go - lots of pics,.....

ICAD #8-13, 365/#121-126

ICAD #14-17; 365/#127-130

I picked up a book at the library:  You Can Draw in 30 Days by Mark Kistler.  I thought I'd try working through the lessons for a bit and see what I can learn.  I'm exploring each idea more in a sketchbook but doing a quickie on my index cards.....


  1. Whatever you're doing, it's working.

  2. Love all your creations!

  3. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Fun. Nice typography and those spheres, good for you. xox


Thanks so much for taking the time to add a comment. I value what you think!