

365 -3

Jane Davies' class is keeping me busy and challenged.  This week it's all I got done.....

This week's class assignment was to create (on a 9x12 piece of her recommended "cheap drawing paper - see her blog) 10 drawing/paintings that were about 25% busy/active, 25% transition and 50% quiet.  Here's some of my efforts:  [ed:  I forgot to post this last week, so you get last week's efforts now]

#58 - 65
I started most of the paintings with a layer of collage, then layers and layers of paint/mark making, etc.

I had lots of practice this week using my layers and layers. Sometimes the collage stayed part of the finished pieces, sometimes less so.  Some of these quiet spaces need to be a bit more quiet or the busy needs to be bolder to be a stronger contrast, but that being said, this is the first week that some of the pieces feel somewhat finished.

Hope you're having a creative week!


  1. You are really getting stuck into these challenges...and nailing them! Goodonya.

  2. My long comment here didn't take. I'm so bummed! It was all filled with fresh admiration, and explanations about how I can't work google+ but I missed your stuff, and now I see that I can't work blog comments either! I'm amazed that I've even been able to blog, but apparently, the posts are there. It's like magic!

    Anyway, I hope this one posts. Because I am LOVING these. I especially love the yellow one with the pinkish flourish or posie. It's gorgeous.

  3. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Living your playfullness in these pieces. xox

  4. I like all of these but the greeny aqua with the 3 red arrows is great. Interesting to make art so intentionally since I rarely have an artistic intention, it seems. Obviously something to be said for it.

  5. Thanks for all the feedback ladies!


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