

365 /3 new this week

Here's what I've been up to this week:

#27 - Documented Life:  art challenge: writing; journal prompt: friends - these couple of prompts led me immediately to my pages of quotes and an opportunity to use some of my faves.  Background made with acrylic paints, washi, stamped lid & pencil eraser circles, inktense colored pencils.

#28 - 33  more Jane Davies classwork - lesson 4; challenging for me in many ways but I'm learning SO much.

#34 - Julie Fei-Fan Balzer is holding another month-long challenge - this one about pattern making. Simple, complex, drawn, painted, doodled, stitched.....whatever you want. I've seem several pattern challenges on instagram but didn't get around to joining. Julie's runs the month of Feb - so 28 days.  I'm thinking using my 4x6 index cards is perfect! Use instagram tag #28patterns to share.

Have a creative week!


  1. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Your black and whites are pretty cool. xox

  2. I'm getting tired just thinking of all the stuff you your black & whites.


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