

365 /3 last week

My 365/3 (year 3 of 365 stuff) project continues with my pattern play with Julie Fei-Fan Balzer and my class work in the Jane Davies 100 Drawings on Cheap Paper class.  Not time for much else.....

This week's classwork was to use maximum variety in creating 10 drawings with no regard for composition, unity, balance, etc. just variety of line, color, shape.

The other criteria, maybe the hardest, was to make each quadrant of each drawing different from each different as possible, remembering the point is to achieve maximum variety - variety of line (angular, organic, thick, thin, etc), variety of color/value, soft/hard edges, variety of shapes - actual and implied, variety of technique - layers, stamps, stencils, markers, graphite, paint, oil pastels, or whatever mark making tools are available. Whew - quite a challenge!

I whipped out the first layers on about 16 pieces - just painted for fun, randomly, without much thought.....just getting some color down. Dan came into the room at this point and said it looked like a kindergarten project!  I said, "good" because I was channeling my inner child :)

Then I went back through each adding layers of transparent or opaque paint here and there and sometimes some patterning with stencils. I put it away overnight and went back to them the next day with a more mindful approach and looking to add variety by using contrast - contrast line edges (sharp and rough or broken), using stencils or stamps and a wide range of mark making tools.

Here's an example of a before and after - my "kindergarten" beginning and my varied ending.

Having a fabulous, creative week!


  1. Wow! Your classwork pieces look like a lot of hard work, (in an excellent way!). This is the kind of stuff I always want to make, but feel like I can't. I think I never get past the kindergarten part. :-) Thanks for sharing your work and your process!

  2. The before and afters are interesting. It's fun seeing what got covered up, added, etc. Seems like an intense class and I expect you're learning a lot, whether it feels that way or not. Glad you're sticking with it and I like several of these - they'd make great postcards.

  3. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Well you sure brightened up my day with your wonderful illustrations and collage/paint work. xox

  4. Interesting how the 'befores' somehow disappear. Great work wonder you're pushed for time.

  5. You are having so much fun! And are creating such wonderful work. I'm so proud of you for keeping up 365 once again. You are an inspiration!! xx


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