

spotted photo

Hanna has posted the new theme for this month:  street art, or what you see as you walk your urban environment.  Hanna loves graffiti and has documented some great images showing artsy graffiti.  I have a little of that but I find architectural details artistic and love to document that in my wanders through a city.  Why don't you join us by browsing through your stash of photos and see what you have that fits the theme "street art"?

Underside of stairway at Pike Place Market.

City dumpster.

Sculpture at the aquarium, downtown Seattle.

Sculpture at a tiny spit of a city park in Seattle.

Seattle train yard graffiti.

Mural on a building in Chemainus, BC.

Me getting up close and personal with city art, Victoria, BC.

Hubcap art at the local library parking lot, Seattle.

Start the post with graffiti, end it with graffiti........

What do you see in the streets of your town?

Thanks again to Hanna for creating this way to share photos that haven't seen the light of day in months (sometimes years) and some I'd even forgotten about!


  1. Great collection of photos! I love that you took the freedom to also ad in a few cool sculptures here! And you, so cute with that statue. Thanks for sharing!!

  2. Love these pics Terrie....and you are looking fab with your not so talkative companion.

  3. Anonymous2:17 AM

    Fantastic public art, rust is best. xox


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