

some mail art

Dan's gone this weekend (to the Indy 500) and I'm home alone for a long weekend.  Yahoo - no-guilt art time!  A couple first priorities are catching up on some major stacks of mail art (thanks for being patient everyone), catching up on my 365 collages (there will likely be some overlap), and working on the next couple MMSA themes.  Whew - that'll be lots of glue and paint slinging goin' on......

I have received and sent some great cards in April and May ....

Outgoing for Hanna's swap

A stack of outgoing - did you get one?  If not, you're on the list! :)

Received such a delightful pile but I doubled up in the photos so it wouldn't take as much space - and I've likely missed some, but this is a good representation of all the mailbox goodness I've received.  If you'd like to see some of this amazing art in your mailbox, join a swap or two (MMSA is a great place to start) or just mail to me and I'll always mail back (maybe not the next day, but soon!).

 From Lorinda, Currie and Judith

 From Asluld, Jeanne and Bonnie Jeanne

From Andria, Emily, and Bonnie Jeanne

 From:  Candace, Julie, Sophie, and Hanna

 From Madelene, Natasha and Leslie

From Brooke, Karen M and Nancy

From Robyn and Honi and the beautiful envelope that it arrived in (those are real ferns!)

Some of these are from swaps, some of them are from ongoing mail buddies and a few are new people who found my name/address on MMSA or somewhere.  MMSA has a tab where you can enter your name and address so you can receive something other than bills in your mailbox.  Join in!


  1. much eye candy here! Enjoy your long art-filled weekend.

  2. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Marvelous mail art traversing the world. Love your swap pieces.....that butterfly is so pretty....xox

  3. My, what a great collection. You'll need a bigger house!

  4. "FANTASTIC" collection of inspiration, Terrie! :]

    ** thank you for sharing ~xx

  5. Beautiful work, Terrie! I love that "art is not optional" on the one card. So true.

  6. an inspiring collection, thanks for linking up!

  7. Oh, wow. This is a GREAT example of what this is about. I sometimes have a hard time conceptualizing. But look at this! It's so fun. Thanks, Terrie!

  8. great cards. i especially like the ones in the first group going to hanna. i like the lighter colored ones with a tropical look. makes me want to go to the beach, oh wait, there is no beach here, lol. great job, tfs

  9. You have so many lovely cards. Would love to give mail art a try one day. I am looking forward to the next showing. Truly beautiful.


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