

IA: things I love

In honor of fast approaching Valentine's Day, Inspiration Avenue is celebrating a little early and this week's prompt is to make a digital collage of some type referencing what I love.

I decided to show more than romantic love - my life is full of things I love to do and people I love ...... these are just what quickly came to mind.  There's still time to join in the IA fun.....use your own images or find royalty free images online (flickr has lots).  Have fun!


  1. Terrie,
    I love the post you created for our IA challenge! You shared your feelings in an original and artful way. Thank you for participating this week!

  2. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Oh it all looks good to me. Your guys are so cute! And I know you love your beach vacations....Oh, I've got to get you some more info on Belize. Jay's gal actually hasn't spent that much time there, they lived all over the world but I will get some info for you.....xox

  3. Great digi collage - from the good looking guys in your life to your other loves. I agree, for me too the theme of love extends further than the romantic kind.
    Kat :-)

  4. Love your collage work.I can see a great book collection here.

  5. Nice post for the theme. It was an unique way to share what you love!

  6. What's not to love about all that! It looks a lot like my list too. Great collage!


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