

ALAW book done

My second alphabet book is finally done.....a few weeks late, but, done!  Quick refresher, the brief was to make each letter of a 3x3" square and then present in a display format.  The idea is to make one letter per week, finishing the year with two completed alphabet projects.  I'm using the ALAW project as a way to reinforce and practice my lettering skills AND to begin learning bookmaking.

This second book centers around my photography (flowers) and the lettering.....  The pages are 140lb watercolor paper with colors washed randomly on the pages.

my first stitched book binding - discovered how critical it is to measure accurately for the holes!

 oops...kinda fuzzy.

multiple flower photos in each pocket; flower names starting with the letter make the background

yes, I don't have any "U" flowers - something to work on! 

There are both things I love about the book and things I would change and many things I learned for future book efforts.  I like that I fiddled and tweaked when I encountered a problem and figured out something to do without starting over.


  1. Anonymous12:40 AM

    Bravo Terrie!
    Stay inspired!

  2. Anonymous2:23 AM

    Oh Terrie, This came out so well. Love your pockets and photos. Nice, nice and nicer. xox

  3. Terrie this is beautiful sweetie. Hmm will think on the U!! I love your book and your lettering is looking wonderful too, you should feel very proud sweetie. I'm with you on the bookbinding, I have a list of techniques I would like to try this year too, the whole 'book' thing fascinates me beyond belief!!
    Huge hugs x

  4. Beautiful, beautiful work... lovely booklet! :]
    Keep the "mojo" going. ~xx

  5. Terrie. Love the book, your awesome lettering, and your pictures. Got the Pc and I will be sending your way soon.

  6. oh, what a lovely book, Terrie! What a joy it must be to hold it your hands and pull out all those gorgeous flower photographs. What a great way to showcase many of your talents at once.

  7. What a lovely book. I especially like the F. Making them into little pockets was a cool idea and the flower pics give the whole thing a colorful touch. Bookbinding is maybe my favorite thing to do.

  8. I love your book! Thank you so much for your lovely comment on my blog I look forward to following yours as well.

  9. what a really lovely book Terrie and a great way to compile your wonderful letters and flower photos!

  10. Gorgeous! I especially like all the pockets you have included. :)

  11. Terrie, your book is fantastic! I love the range of materials and techniques you ended up incorporating: calligraphy, photography, water color, book binding. A masterpiece for sure! xx

  12. What a gorgeous book! Love your calligraphy and what a great way to highlight your flower photos!

  13. Hi Terrie ~ I just came over from the link on the Liberate Your Art page...thought I'd leave a note to say hello. I loved seeing your book - beautiful photos and great inspiration! :o)

  14. Hi Terrie
    I found your blog from the list of post card participants. Count me in as a new follower. I hail from Spokane! I love your book and the lettering. well done. to pick flowers to go with the letters is so sweet.


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