

365 collages

I had a slight set back this week as I recovered from the flu, but I did get a few done toward my goal of 365 collages this year (inspired by Hanna).

I started by making two collages on 4x6 index cards using ONLY little scraps from my box of miscellaneous leftover tiny scraps. I set myself the 'rule' I could only change the size of one per collage (fudged it a little) - I started with the pile below.

This is what I was left with....the larger pieces and two collages I actually kinda like.

 The next few were worked in my Restraint journal.

the 'base' collage on the file folder
 I decided I need a more organized place to keep my incoming mail art so I can make sure I return mail to everyone so I collaged the front on my pocket file folder in a "landscape" using magazine only paper (ala Lorinda).

This gets me through #21 though the date is the 28. A little catching up to do.........


  1. Very inspiring, Terrie. I think I need to do some tiny scrap collages too. Heaven knows I've got plenty of tiny scraps! I really love the one in your restraint journal with the green flower on top. Glad you're feeling better!

  2. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Oh I love them all, fun use of the scraps which seem to multiply at an alarming rate. Quite graphic and bold. I found a bunch more old file folders, love these and they would make great tags cut up too! xox

  3. Awe Terrie your collages are fabulous sweetie. I love that you have set yourself 'rules' for the first 2, did it help?? Lol I get carried away with the 'procrastination' way too often when I am trying to collage, maybe some 'rules' would help me more!!
    Hope you are feeling lots better now too.
    Huge hugs x x

  4. What an adventure you are on....a collage every day....I love the ones you showed in your post today...I too love the bright colors and they are all pleasing to the eye...Great job...Looking forward to seeing more...

  5. YIPPEE!!
    These are wonderful collage pieces, Terrie. :]
    I can see you are enjoying the challenge.

  6. You're a natural collagist them all.


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