

wrapping up ALAW

I hope you've all had a simply marvelous Christmas and Boxing Day.  I hope you've found time to be with friends and/or family, people you love and who love you. I hope you've found time to be quiet and time to be joyous.  I hope you now find some time to take a deep breath, relax, and reflect on what 2013 will bring.

I had a most excellent Christmas - our boys came over, stayed the night and we played games, drank and ate, played some more games, talked and put our feet up and talked some more - oh yeah, and played some more games and ate and drank some more......did I mention we love games of all types?  It was one of my favorite Christmases ever!  Here's my family on Christmas morning:

I have found some time to be creative - a moment here and there.  I've been working on my ALAW (a letter a week) project, my second alphabet.  Here's the last of the letters I've written on my pockets (these haven't been cut apart and folded yet).  Then I'm adding photos that I've taken of flowers beginning with each letter to fill the pockets.  Next step is to figure out the book format I want to tackle.

I certainly like how some of these letters turned out more than others - even after practicing a whole page of each before moving to the pocket - the texture of the paper is different and the pen reacts differently, but I didn't have enough of the pocket paper to practice on I figured it out. 

Here's a few of the flower photos that will go in the pockets - they are 5x2.25"

Hopefully I'll get the book started in the next few days.....Now it's time to turn my mind to what I want to tackle for my first alphabet in 2013.....hmmm.....


  1. Aww... love this, Terrie!
    What a beautiful family photo, thank you for sharing. :]
    Also, the alphabet looks amazing, wonderful work.
    Enjoy your holidays... wishing you a fantastic New Year. ~xx

  2. Hi Terrie,
    I'm glad you and your family had a great Christmas-I love the photo. Your ALAW work is looking good, too!

  3. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Look at all those handsome men! What a lovely family gathered round the tree. Your alphabet is so dainty and fine. Great job Terrie....I think you are really enjoying this project. Most marvelous Happy New Year. xox

  4. Happy New Year Terrie. Love your family photo. Glad you joined ALAW your letters are so cool.

  5. Great photo of a happy family! It's nice when your adult children becomes friends also.
    And I love your ALAW letters. Reminds of the spidery copperplate letters I've seen in old manuscripts. Very cool.

  6. Your Christmas sounds amazing! I am smiling just reading about it! Your letters are stunning- I love all your swirls and lines!

  7. So glad you and your handsome family had such a lovely Christmas Terrie! This has been a truly beautiful alphabet. The combination of your delicate lettering with the photos is brilliant. I'm loving that Q!! Can't wait to see what you come up with for next year xx


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