

list it Tuesday

I've missed playing for a few weeks as I've dealt with my computer nonsense, but this week's topic was just too much fun to miss.  "What's in your junk drawer?" asks Aimee at Artsyville.

I actually keep a pretty tidy junk drawer....I have this thing about everything in its place, you know.  So in my junk drawer you'll find:

scissors, heavy duty floral scissors, 2 florist knives, a small hammer, 3 screwdrivers, scotch tape, pens/pencils/markers, white board markers, white board eraser, rubber bands, tacks, string, an extra house key, car key, miscellaneous keys for who knows what, a butane lighter thingy for my candles, sticky candle hold stuff to keep them straight, a fan (see it next to the hammer on the left - Dan uses it to cool off after getting overheated in the hot tub),

a pedometer (does it even still work), a tape measure, picture hanging wire/hook, floss, dice, bobby pins (really, with my short hair?), lip balm, post it notes, clothes pins (we use them to hold chip bags closed), a foam dart from the boys' guns last Christmas, a broken piece from a Christmas napkin ring and in the back is a whistle on a lanyard that I didn't even know we had.

So there you have it, a little peek into my life.  How about yours?

Next week is the last opportunity to make and share a list this year and the topic is "Holiday Faves" (it can be anything....traditions, songs, people, memories, etc.)


  1. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Hi Terrie, your junk drawer is so organized! And attractive! I think we all have tiny hammers : )
    Great list!

  2. It seems like we both have two things in common: computer issues and relatively tidy junk drawers. Nice to see there are those of us who like everything in its place! Great job and nicely done on this challenge.

  3. Haha.. I have all the same stuff in a junk drawer... but there's too much junk in the house to get to it!!

  4. I didn't know they sold stuff for keeping candles straight. On my memorah, I've been dropping melted wax from my candles into the little holders! I like a neat drawer! {:-Deb

  5. I knew your drawer would be organised and I wasn't let down... it is kind of like looking at a masterpiece... one day maybe I will be that organised... I kind of doubt it... but these things can happen I am sure and after all I did fold that one sheet after you inspired me... only the one but hey it was a start...xx

  6. Anonymous3:34 AM

    None of my drawers ever look this good for more than a day or two and hubby is worse!!!! xox

  7. I was a little unnerved by your super tidy drawer at first (I have organizational insecurities) but was able to totally relax when I saw that you had a foam dart and a broken napkin ring! Everyone needs a few unexplainables. (Great list!!)

  8. I'm speechless...that is far too neat.

  9. your junk drawer looks extra large-- and pretty organized! i have a whole host of pedometers-- partly because i keep thinking they don't work anymore so i get new ones. i'm pretty sure they all just need batteries! :-)

  10. Aw, this looks like my junk drawers do, when I have an apartment! And all I can think of is ... there's such a thing as too hot? lol

  11. Your junk drawer is huge and very well organized. :))

  12. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Fun idea!...I'll hop over to artsyville and maybe do the next list. Love your site...I'll visit often!

  13. Terrie, Enjoyed your list! So organized!

    However I was much troubled when I read on your sidebar that Google may discontinue following/followers. I've only been blogging for a few months so just catching up with the rest of you!

    Can anyone else out there comment about this issue?

  14. LOL, I showed a before and after picture of my junk drawer once on my blog, and I am proud to say that I have kept it relatively neat since the tidy up, but I think you have me beat on that score! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)


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