


This challenge is just begging to show off some of my photographs - Jenn, hosting APR #34, wants to see a sunset.  Have I got a sunset (or two) for you! I've never painted a sunset, but I've taken many photos of sunsets so here are just a few of my faves (actually the only ones that are tagged so I can find them! :))

Chelan, WA

Alki Beach, Seattle, WA


The Big Island, HI


Puerta Vallarta, Mexico

Orlando, FL

Isn't Mother Nature just amazing? All that rich color and beautiful texture in the sky.....I enjoyed my brief sojourn through my old photos - hope you found something in here inspiring (or at least pretty)!

Wait just a minute!  I wandered back through my artwork and did find a couple that are in sunset colors - so I'm calling them Setting Sun (collage) and Beach at Sunset (watercolor) (hey, look at that shadow!:) ).

Thanks Jenn - can't wait to check out everyone else's sunsets.


  1. my goodness, Terrie. this is just gob-smackingly extraordinary!! still getting wonky stuff on your website earlier this morning. hoping this makes its way through!!

    is that collage one done with washi tape?! I am curious about the stuff. BE Well!!

  2. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Oh Orlando takes the cake and your first collage too, I really liked that one. xox

  3. just what I needed on this cold grey day. fabulous shadow/reflection in your water color! A side of your talent we rarely see.

  4. WOW!!
    These are such beautiful sunsets, Terrie... thank you for sharing!! :]
    An absolutely incredible piece. ~xx

  5. Amazing post sweetie, thank-you so much for sharing those amazing photos, really cheered me up on a grey and wet day. Your watercolour is stunning too, you have captured the scene beautifully.
    Huge hugs x x x x

  6. Both the photos and your artwork are gorgeous and inspiring!!

  7. Wow, your shadow in your watercolor is so reflective of water, just wonderful. Your collage I like because I love fabrics and this looks like a collection of fabrics from old kimono's, very Japanese looking. Thank you for a glimpse of sunsets around the globe, too . My favorite is Alki Beach. i have a friend who lives in Anacortes in the San Juan Islands and when you look out her living room window at sunset you see all the little mountain islands. It just swells my heart!

  8. Wow! Stunning, stunning sunsets Terrie! You make mother nature look her finest!! xx

  9. not only are these photos just beautiful (and I hope you give me permission to paint them one day) but your sunset art is also gorgeous. I especially love the collage with the color right through the center. wow.

  10. Those photos are so gorgeous. Sunsets are beautiful no matter what part of the world you are in, love your photography. Your paintings are fabulous too. That watercolour is fantastic and the collage is perfect sunset colours.
    Hope your tagging (or is that retagging) is coming along nicely.

  11. these are absolutely incredible! love the smoothness and the calming effect your work has !

  12. Very very beautiful photo's and inspiring collage, thank you for sharing them all :0)) Mo

  13. I love-love-love all the sunsets!
    Love your artwork, too. :)

  14. the sunsets are amazing... and that sky in Hawaii looks like our Autumn evening skies... but the collage is especially beautiful... simply amazing...xx


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