

Gratitude List

The house is still quiet this morning, Dan's not up yet, no wind and rain, the cooking frenzy has yet to start, the guests haven't arrived.  Just me and a few minutes to reflect on what I'm thankful for.

On Tuesday I made a pie-in-the-sky Santa wish list - it was fun, but I don't want to lose the gratitude for what I have in the wishing for things I don't have.  So, today I make a Gratitude List.

I'm thankful for:
- my strong, loving, supportive husband, Dan
- my smart, funny, happy boys, A & E
- our health
- we're lucky enough to own a home (it's not worth much anymore, but we DO own it! :)
- our cars are paid for, we own every stick of furniture in the house, we have money in savings. I know many people can't say this and I'm SO grateful to Dan for keeping us on such a straight financial path (now if he could just find a job before we deplete those savings! - oh wait, that's a wish, isn't it?)
- we never go hungry (unless I'm dieting)
- friends and family that love and encourage us
- my best friend; what would I ever do without her?
- we're able to afford to replace my crashed computer so I can feed my internet addiction
- our travels - we've been able to visit some extraordinary places!
- the time and ability to pursue my relatively new-found interest in art
- my art room and its wealth of supplies and goodies just waiting to be turned into ..... something else
- blogging buddies that encourage, push, and constantly inspire me to try new things - THANK YOU!

I hope all of you in the US are enjoying a lovely Thanksgiving with family and friends; elsewhere - have a fabulous weekend!


  1. I read your wishes, I don't have any, so my wish is that all your wishes come true! Happy Thanksgiving my friend! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

  2. A wonderful gratitude list, Terrie! Have a special day ~ xo

  3. A wonderful list Terrie! Happy Thanksgiving my friend! xx

  4. FABULOUS list, Terrie!!
    Thank you for sharing... ~xx


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