

AEDM #13 -15

Catching up with my Art Every Day Month entries.  You can see daily creativity at Leah's site Creative Every Day.


Day #13:
Outgoing mail day - sent out about 25 postcards.....are you on my list?

Stamping, collage, some texture, paint and words and I've got lots of mail art love going out.  My mail carrier at work loves these mail art days and we actually chat for a couple minutes as she's never seen handmade cards going out (guess that makes sense since she's on a business route!).

Day #14:

My creative time today was spent in prep - I took that stack of Christmas cards I've been saving for years and cut them up - cut out the pretty front elements, cut up the words, kept scraps of pretty glittery edges. These are now going to morph into holiday cards.....(when, I'm not exactly sure....)  You can see I retreated to the bedroom to do the cutting while watching TV.  Big Mistake.  Huge.  (remember what movie that's from?  - Pretty Woman when Roberts goes back to the boutique that wouldn't help her when she was dressed as a hooker but now she's a transformed, elegantly dressed woman)  Anyway, my mistake?  Glitter and paper bits all over the bedspread and floor!  Then I had to get the vacuum out.  Sigh.

Day #15
It's so gray here in Seattle, I thought I needed a reminder of warmer, more exotic days.  A little digi art is the answer!  Started with a palm tree photo that was also a little gray but added some background textures and now I'm ready to head back to Tahiti.

We're half way through the month - hope you all are staying creative!


  1. Tee hee, I'm not jealous at all of the lucky recipients of your fab mail art Terrie!! Blimey you have been busy my lovely, it all looks gorgeous and is sure to brighten up their days.
    Huge hugs x

  2. Oh, how fun your mail carrier got to have a bright spot like that in her day. I love looking at all the combos! This takes me to a great memory from my early days as an artist. A seasoned artist took me under her wings and shared her favorite art ways with me. Mail art was one of those things. LOVE!

  3. you are a busy busy bee... those mail art cards look full of wonderful but glitter through the carpet can't be fun... I am sending you some sunshine ...xx

  4. Your post cards are so gorgeous. Who wouldn't just LOVE to receive one?! How fun that you share a little inspiration with your mail carrier as well!

  5. Fabulous postcards! I imagine you have the happiest mail man around!

  6. OMG!!! I just got your postcard today!! I was so delighted! I'm glad to have heard from you.

    I am the slowest creative person around. I have about five projects going on right now. So I am SO impressed with your productivity. And generosity.


  7. Oh wow! Now that is a slew of bright, happy postcards. :)

  8. Anonymous4:39 PM

    You are just rocking.....25-wow. I am behind, made 16 today and need to spend time tomorrow writing some notes!!!! xox

  9. That is an amazing amount of work Terrie! Beautifully done xx


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