

AEDM #1-4

Art Every Day Month (hosted by Leah at Creative Every Day) starts today and runs for the WHOLE ENTIRE month of November.  I'm in.  I think that what's behind this commitment is the fact that I haven't been in my art room in over a week as I've been dealing with computer issues.  I miss it.  I need a kick in the pants to get back in there. [ed: my computer issues have continued and I was without for several days so I'm playing catch up]


Like all challenges, Leah is providing a link place each day where you can show off what you've been up to. I absolutely know I won't be able to visit everyone - there's just not enough hours in the day.  But I figure if I visit 6-8 new-to-me folks every time I link in, I'll meet some new people, find some inspiration and stay connected.  Wanna join?

Let the creative frenzy begin! :)

Day 1 & 2:
I am working on completing my inspiration deck for the challenge hosted by Jessica at InSearchofDessert.  It goes in the mail today!

Day 3:
I work at a large custom cabinet/wood shop and bring home all sorts of scraps of various materials. I've got quite a stash of various veneers and I'm toying with several projects to make that incorporate veneer. I made a mock up to see how sturdy it is and how much abuse it can take.  This is about 3x6".

Day 4:
Time for long overdue mail art - here's the beginnings..........

My intention is to make time EVERY day this month and not let the computer suck up all my free time....we'll see how I do. :)


  1. cool beans, Terrie!! I am remembering Now how lovely my first AEDM was last year. I met YOU. I met others who are Now part of my nearly every day. that is inspiring!!

    I like your take on 6-8 people each time you link. That's sort of what I was thinking to DO this morning and already have visited 5, 2 of whom are completely New-to-Me.

    I'm curious about your deck above and want to check it out later. thank you for all the doors you've opened for me this past year.


  2. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Deck is fabulous. Mine looks mostly the same, you really have been rocking gal! And your mail art - love love for anyone's mailbox. xox

  3. You are inspiring. I would like to know more about the deck too ... I'll be back

  4. Wow - your deck is incredible. each one is so unique and lovely. and I really like your dangling rock. I can't resist picking up beach stones and river rocks and I have little clusters of them on surfaces throughout the house.

  5. I love your deck!Gorgeous artwork!I am doing something similar -favourite quotes on large playing cards.

  6. I'm so, so sorry your computer problems have continued. What a frustration! I'm so glad you're still playing along with AEDM. Congratulations on getting your inspiration deck finished! Sure hope I get one of yours--they look fabulous! Am interested to see more about these veneers..... Keep up the beautiful, beautiful work my friend! xx

  7. glad the computer stuff is starting to sort... fingers crossed it is all smooth sailing from here... that deck of cards is looking amazing.... as is the sculpture... you have managed to get so much done despite the hassles... must be all that organisation coming to the rescue...xx

  8. I love how your inspiration deck looks! It is inspiring me just looking at the picture of it! Just lovely!

  9. "FANTASTIC" deck!!
    I really like all the mixed media... very inspiring. :]


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