

what I love about where I live

List it Tuesday topic for the week is "what I love about where I live" - there are so many great things about Seattle and the northwest but here are some of the highlights:

Big picture:
I love that I live in the US with all the benefits and freedoms we enjoy.
I love living on the west coast where people are generally friendly, casual, environmentally aware and oh-so-laid back.
I love living in Washington state where we enjoy marine weather in the west, desert-like weather in the east, grow yummy apples and have a blossoming wine industry.  Washington is urban and progressive, rural and farm country.
Lincoln Park, Seattle

Closer to home:
I love living in Seattle where I can be close to my boys.
I love living in Seattle because there's a view of mountains and water around almost every corner.
I love the wealth of activities - Pike Place Market, Seattle Center, Arboretum, beaches, mountains, skiing, boating, professional sports (we might bring back the NBA too!), plays, art galleries and more and more!
Seattle skyline after addition of new ferris wheel

I love seeing Mt. Rainier's snowy top dominating the horizon on clear days.
Gorgeous Mt. Rainier

I love green.  Green trees, green grass, green attitude - it's all so green!
I love the mild weather - not 90 in the summers, not freezing and snowy in the winter - yet we have distinct seasons.
I love living 15 minutes from work, 20 minutes from my kids, 15 minutes to the airport, 10 minutes to the beach, 60 minutes to the mountains, 20 minutes to downtown - in other words, convenience!
The beach 10 minutes from my home

At home:
I love the space in our home - literally plenty of square footage.
Light - I love the light from all the big windows.
Art room - for the first time ever I have a room dedicated to creativity!

I love sitting at my computer, looking out to my big back yard and garden, delighting in my flowers.

More than any of the other things, I love the man I share where I live with.

If this doesn't make you want to live in Seattle, I've done something wrong! :)  Now I can't wait to read about what others love about where they live.


  1. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Seattle looks lovely! Great list!

  2. I'd go for a visit! Nice List!

  3. Awesome list! You did it right... country, state, city, sweeetie :)
    Yes, and you made me fall in love with Seattle too....thank you!

  4. great list. I'd move back in a heartbeat (if only I didn't love my extended family so much!)

  5. I've never been, but I love what you've shared!

  6. Seattle is so beautiful, especially the mountains. I have been there only once briefly, but your photos tempt me to go back. Your beach is inviting and very peaceful.

  7. What a wonderful list! !! Seattle is one of my favorite places; can see why you love it so!

  8. And I love your post! I have been once in Seattle and thought it is beautiful!

  9. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Beautiful can you resist not picking up ALL that driftwood - logs included...xox

  10. I'm moving to the PNW soon and can't wait. I'll be to your south. (Your hubby is adorable, the two of you are the cutest.)

    This was a wonderful list. I love the way you did it.

  11. Dan the man just looks like a cool bloke... that smile is about a mile wide ... and it is all sooooo green... Lincoln park looks amazing... and the photos of the city are great... but I really wish we had flowers like that.... I would love to look out on them from the studio... loved getting the glimpse into your world... xx

  12. I love the way you kept zooming in and sharing more details! Very creative take on this week's prompt! What a beautiful state!

  13. I can tell you don't live in the midwest because every distance is in MINUTES. For us, it's in MILES. The first time I went to CA, I heard "it's about so many minutes on the 405," etc. I like to know miles and direction I'm heading. That's a bit hard to do when you are winding through hills, valleys, canyons, and such. Minutes are so elusive, while miles tells you everything. It's like that freezing temp you mentioned. And of course, in the heat of summer and dead of winter, Seattle sounds pretty good.

    Love the photos. Especially your new skyline. BTW, do they still give tours at the Red Hook Brewery? It's the first time I learned I could actually tolerate beer when I tasted their Stout.

  14. These photos of Washington are breathtaking! I love the other coast, where I live, but your side looks equally lovable!! Thank you for sharing :)

  15. Seattle does look great, lincoln park is making me really want to go there!

  16. I would love to visit Seattle. It's on the list, definitely! I also like how you moved from big to small--very nice.

  17. you did your job! i'd move there in a flash!

  18. I like how your list moved from the country to your man! Great list!! :)

  19. Great list Terrie. So thorough, thoughtful, and picturesque. Sure love living on our west coast!! xx

  20. Seattle is a great place. i absolutely adore walking through Pike Place Market and seeing all the wonderful, brightly colored bouquets of flowers! And the views from everyone are lovely!

  21. I love your photos Terrie! I have SO loved living here too!


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