

tuesday list

Here it is, Tuesday list day again, hosted by Aimee at Artsyville.  This is a simple challenge or whatever to participate in - she throws out a topic and we list lovers jump in.  You can be as simple (type a list for your post that week) or as elaborate (work in your journal, canvas, or however you want) to make your list.  The first couple times I just typed my list; this time I took the time to make a digital list.

This week's topic:   Quick Fixes - a list of things you could/should do that you've been avoiding but all they need is a 'quick fix'.  Here's mine:

Not terribly long this week (not like listing what I love about where I live!), but these are things that have been on my mind the last couple weeks and I've been practicing avoidance.  All would be quick and easy......and done!  I'll work on it - some time! :)

What are you procrastinating about?  List it and share it before 11/3 cuz then next Tuesday's list is - ta da - favorite movie lines.  That one could be really fun!


  1. Love your list, Terrie.
    Flannel sheets, they are so soft and warm. :]
    Definitely, a mammogram... no fun, but so important to had checked.
    Take care. ~xx

  2. Fun to do as digital! hmmm - we've just packed our flannel sheets away!

  3. That's quite a list. :) I forgot I need to make a doctors appointment, too.

  4. Anonymous4:13 AM

    That's a big list for a little Tuesday. Have you ever noticed how sre lists are longer, way longer than our lifetimes could ever accomplish! xox

  5. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Terrie, great list...if I had done my list as I was told, I would have mammogram appointment right on top! Thanks for the reminder : )

    1. It's been on my mental to do list for a couple weeks. I really MUST take care of it....okay, here I go!

  6. Flannel sheets sound heavenly Happy List It Tuesday!

    1. Yep, after a wet, rainy day like today, sheets may actually come off the list!

  7. Great list and a doable one. Thanks for sharing.

  8. yup - I've been procrastinating about the flannel sheet thing too. and every night I slide into the icy sheets and vow that TOMORROW I'm breaking out the flannel. and then the day slides by and climbing into icy sheets again. you'd think changing the sheets was an all day affair instead of a 5-minute commitment...

  9. Is it weird that I like icy sheets... it is one of the few things Sinus and I have ever argued about... I hate flannel sheets and he looooooves them... they always go on when I can stand his whining no longer and are whipped off at the first opportunity possible... we need to find sheets that are half and half.... cracking list Terrie... I see you are reading Mallory's Oracle... the whole series is so great and they get better with each of them... hope you love them as much as I do...xx

  10. I tell my DH, just do it, and then you don't have to worry about it. He's also a list maker! "Talk to boss about job changes" - now that sounds like something I would avoid! {:-Deb

  11. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Flannel Sheets! that is exactly what I need, I never thought about it, but I really hate cold sheets. wow, some of these items would not be quick for me...


Thanks so much for taking the time to add a comment. I value what you think!